![]() At Peninsula Preschool we respect each child as an individual and embrace their curiosity. We recognize that every child is gifted, and our job is to help the child discover these gifts and nurture them.
Learning how to play teaches collaboration and community building, which aids language development through listening and talking. Language is the foundation for reading, writing, math, and every subject after and is supported through all aspects of play. When children play with other children in free play, they learn to cooperate, communicate, and engage with their peers in a way that ensures they feel part of their young community. These interactions give them the ability to develop relationships and nurture their sense of emotional and social intelligence. Through free choice in a carefully prepared environment, children become confident, independent, focused, and curious. We know that children who love to learn will become lifelong learners. Play and playful learning foster a sense of creativity and allow children to navigate so many scenarios in their lives—both real and imagined. Imaginative play forms the foundation of a healthy childhood, and builds the path to creative, curious adults who can adapt to the world around them. As children interact with the world around them, especially in ways that inspire their creativity and critical thinking skills, they learn to become effective problem solvers. They see connections between themselves and their surroundings, and the lives of those around them. They begin to predict outcomes and start to consider a variety of choices and actions. In early childhood, there is no either/or between play and academics; however, play develops deep learning as the unhurried child is immersed physically and intellectually in hands-on, real-world experiences, and learning is not driven by surface knowledge which comes from worksheets and memorization taught in short, defined blocks of time. Students who begin their education in an environment of playful learning and discovery emerge as more confident, imaginative, socially aware individuals. These children continue to approach their learning with the critical thinking and communication skills that make them curious, well-rounded, and successful members of their communities. Joyful Engagement, Respect, Confidence, Independence, Friendship, and Wonder: isn't this what you wish your child's introduction to education will be? "Play is the highest form of research." Albert Einstein "Children learn as they play. More importantly, in play, children learn how to learn." O. Fred Donaldson, PhD "Playing by Heart" |
Process ArtArtistic exploration with a variety of
media and creative processes promoting decision making, self-expression, fine motor skills, and literacy. |
Open-ended Design and Engineering ToysCreative, open-ended engineering toys teach critical thinking, design, problem solving, resilience, and teamwork.
Loose Parts PlayThe limitless possiblities of loose parts play encourages exploration, questioning, creativity, imagination, and self-discovery